Baby Gym


Behavioral system is one of the most essential characteristics of human beings. We interact and communicate through actions, and we explore and adapt to our environment through actions as well. From the moment of birth, children begin to develop reflexive and autonomous motor behaviors. As they grow, they learn to roll over, sit, crawl, stand, walk, run, and even jump and roll, involving large muscle movements. They also develop the use and control of small muscles, such as grasping and gripping, which are all part of early childhood physical fitness.

COH BABY GYM offers age-appropriate and professionally designed physical fitness movements and a variety of fun and challenging activities for children aged 0-3. We are committed to providing children with ample stimulation and a bilingual (English and Chinese) sports environment, aiming to help them grow stronger and healthier.

Frequently Asked Questions

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We have designed systematic fitness movements and games for different age groups based on their developmental stages:

  • Little Movers: Crawling to 1 year and 5 months

Each stage of growth comes with different abilities and cognitive developments. Through a variety of fun activities, we provide children with age-appropriate learning and stimulation.”

The activities include music, rhythm, physical fitness skills, and exercises to enhance brain and motor development using various teaching aids. In addition to improving sensory integration and coordination, children also learn and grow in character through group activities.

COH Baby Gym is a family activity that requires one adult to accompany one child. Children aged 0-3 lack the language skills and cognitive abilities to fully understand the rules and procedures of the activities. Many of the physical movements in the gym require parental assistance to complete, and there is often a lot of movement and jumping involved. To ensure smooth and safe participation in the activities, parental guidance and supervision are necessary. It is not advisable for two parents to accompany the child simultaneously, as this helps establish a sense of order and focus for the children and provides them with a wider and more comfortable activity space.

1) Both adults and children should wear comfortable and stretchy clothing and shoes suitable for running and jumping. To ensure correct and safe movements, avoid wearing skirts, heavy or non-stretchy pants, rain boots, slippers, and sandals.

2) Providing sufficient anticipation and a sense of security in advance can help children adapt to new environments. Therefore, arriving 5 minutes early before the activity begins allows children to observe the people and things around them, thereby enhancing their stability and learning ability.

3) Throughout the activity, there will be one lead instructor and one assistant instructor. Parents are encouraged to help guide their children to follow the lead instructor’s instructions for each segment and to assist their children in performing physical exercises correctly. If there are any questions or concerns, parents can seek assistance from the assistant instructor at any time.